To mention just a few of the connections, Leonard and Virginia Woolf were Freud’s English publishers, although Virginia resisted reading Freud for a long time. Marion Milner’s early life-writing self-consciously referenced Woolf’s work ( A Life of One’s Own). Ella Freeman Sharpe, a psychoanalyst with a passion for literature, was also very aware of Woolf’s work. This interdisciplinary conference will explore the complex and reciprocal ways in which these two ‘societies of outsiders’* influenced each other.
Psychoanalysis in the UK has always existed outside the medical establishment and has a proud tradition of lay analysis, and the so-called Bloomsbury Group, which included feminists, pacifists, political radicals, gay men and lesbians, never existed as an organisation. Please join us online for a thought-provoking schedule of lectures and discussions that will explore the interplay between British psychoanalysis and the Bloomsbury Group, one of the most influential collectives of the literary and cultural realms.
We are delighted to announce that the full programme for the conference is now available.